Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I have had a very unique position in life to have witnessed some truly amazing things. I am thankful for that. I have seen both the best and worst of life from a perspective most don’t get to have. Hard as that may have been at times, I am still thankful for that. I was blessed to have personally served with heroes that would have and did, lay down their lives. Not because they were brave (they are very brave), but because they are honorable people. Something that I am both grateful and thankful for and will be always and forever.

Being Thanksgiving tomorrow I do know, as always, I have lots to be thankful for and I am blessed with my life. I am feeling especially so this year as two acquaintances/friends suffer through searing pain of loss from very recent tragedies. Plus, I got to spend this past weekend with my brother before he returns to the Middle East. After 40 plus years of combined service with the US Army and Department of Defense, this will be his last year in a war zone.

Less anyone forget those who are in harms way…
Do You Remember Me? Please, our troops need our support more than ever!

With such things happening, I am reminded that life is short and that saying is Not A Cliché.

With that said, this is no place to say BIKE ME! So I offer this as a Thanksgiving wish…well Blessing.

An Irish Blessing

I wish you not a path devoid of clouds; nor a life on a bed of roses,
not that you might never need regret; nor that you should never feel pain.

No, that is not my wish for you.

My wish for you is:

That you might be brave in times of trial, when others lay crosses upon your shoulders.
When mountains must be climbed and chasms are to be crossed; when hope scares can shine through.

That every gift God gave you might grow along with you. And let you give the gift of joy to all who care for you.

That you may always have a friend who is worth that name. Whom you can trust, and who helps you in times of sadness. Who will defy the storms of daily life at your side.

One more wish I have for you:

That in every hour of joy and pain you may feel God close to you.
This is my wish for you, and all who care for you.

This is my hope for you, now and forever.

Author Unknown, translated by Charles Mitchell

Go home, be with those you love and be thankful!